We are so excited for all the fun happening before spring break!
Please read carefully so that your student
doesn't miss out on any of the fun!
Penny Wars (Monday, February 24 - Friday, March 7)
1,2,3,4... I declare a penny war!
There will be prizes for the two grades that raise the most money! Students can add to their grade's total by dropping pennies and bills into their own grade's jug. Students can take away from another grade by putting nickels, dimes, and quarters into that grade's jug.
Jugs are available during dropoff each morning from Monday, February 24 - Friday, March 7.
Let the penny war begin!
Book Fair (Tuesday, March 11 - Friday, March 14)
Our book fair will run from Tuesday, March 11 - Friday, March 14. Students will be able to visit the book fair before school or during their lunch time. Parents can either send cash or put money into their child's ewallet through the Scholastic website. Also, anyone is welcome to shop through the online book fair, which will be available that same week. It's a great way for loved ones to shop ahead for birthdays or holidays while supporting Rasor!
Parents are also welcome to shop in person during Lunch with a Loved One, during Open House, and during the Color Run.
We also need volunteers! The sign up list is available here. Book Fair is an incredibly fun event for our students, but we can't do it without volunteers. Thank you in advance for signing up!
Please make sure that you have signed up as a PISD volunteer through VOLY in advance.
Lunch with a Loved One (Tuesday, March 11 - Thursday, March 13)
Come have lunch with your student from Tuesday, March 11 - Thursday, March 13. Any loved adult is welcome, but they must check in at the front office. Please allow enough time before your student's lunch time to check in.
Lunch times are as follows:
Kindergarten | 11:05 - 11:35 |
1st Grade | 11:35 - 12:05 |
2nd Grade | 10:35 - 11:05 |
3rd Grade | 12:05 - 12:35 |
4th Grade | 1:05 - 1:35 |
5th Grade | 12:35 - 1:05 |
Loved ones are welcome to visit the book fair while at Rasor for lunch.
Open House (Thursday, March 13 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.)
The Rasor Spring Open House is Thursday, March 13 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Come see what your student has done this year!
General PTA Meeting (Friday, March 14 at 7:30 a.m.)
At 7:30 a.m. on Friday, March 14 in the Rasor Library (right before the Color Run), come have a cup of coffee on us and learn about the Rasor PTA! Members are asked to be present, and we would also be thrilled to welcome anyone who wants to learn more about Rasor PTA and what we do. You can get a hint of our work here, and then come learn more in person!
Ready to join PTA? Please help us support our Rasor students by joining.
Your student will have a blast getting covered in color while supporting Rasor!
All students must be registered at MyBooster to participate. You can create a custom homepage on My Booster to share with family and friends to help your student raise money. Every student will get to run 3 laps, regardless of the amount of money they raise.
$5.00 = 5 additional laps
$10.00 = 10 additional laps
$20.00 = 20 additional laps
$35.00 and up is an unlimited number of laps
Any flat donation is welcomed to support Rasor.
Pie a Teacher (Friday, March 14)
During Color Run, students will have the opportunity to put a pie in the face of our fantastic Rasor teachers and staff. Tickets are $1 each and can be purchased here. There is a maximum of 5 per student. Online sales will close March 13, though students are able to bring exact cash to the Color Run.
After all that fun, students will head off to Spring Break from
Monday, March 17 - Monday, March 24!
Thank you for your support in making these fun events happen for our Rasor Students!